Trying to imagine your own life without technology and the impact it has on our daily life, it is really difficult. Many of our actions are now guided and accompanied by some tools that science make available to us.

From smartphones to be in contact with anyone, anytime, to kitchen robots; from smart TVs to videos intercoms. Each macro area of our life can't no longer do without technology. As in everyday life, also in medicine, in dialysis, technology has given its own contribution to make hemodialysis a safer and quality therapy.

Diaverum is always in step with times, guaranteeing employees and patients to work with avantgarde monitors and technologies. Starting from the second half of 2022, we implemented the TGS (Treatment Guide System) in our clinics.

TGS is an innovative system that associates each dialysis machine with a touch-screen tablet and connects it to our corporate network. All this have a huge impact on both dialysis quality and our doctors and nurses work.

Having the dialysis machine connected directly to our corporate network, allow us to constantly monitor all dialysis parameters and to make adjustments with greater effectiveness and accuracy in order to improve, even more, our patients dialysis quality.

As said before, the new TGS have a great impact also on the life of the operators, doctors and nurses, who will be able to work with an avantgarde system, avoiding using pen and paper to record values ​​and operations and getting all the necessary information directly on their tablet.

Diaverum first goal is always enhancing patients' life; it is also through these efforts, through the implementation of new technologies, that it seeks to achieve a greater level of care! True Care!

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