Mrs. Durio, you joined Diaverum Italia in May 2020; can you tell us a little about your professional life? For example, things that made you proud…

I spent nearly all my career in the pharmaceutical business, mainly in marketing, commercial and management areas; I have always worked in large multinationals, covering roles of increasing responsibility up to the role of CEO. I have been particularly successful in reorganization projects, when it was necessary to determine a change of gear for a business unit or company: this type of assignment has always fascinated me so much, because it contains a challenge, a particular mission. I must say, without wanting to appear too brazen, that in these projects I have always achieved the goal: to grow the business and create winning organizations.


After 8 months in Diaverum, and living in unprecedented times, can you share with us your first impressions?

Diaverum is a global player in the renal care sector, with a great success story and a bright future ahead of it. In Italy we are the second private provider, but the first for the quality of dialysis: all the indicators (clinical parameters, procedures, controls, patient loyalty ...) tell us that we are the best. We have 28 clinics, more than 1,300 patients and teams of excellence. The challenge we have in Italy is that of organic growth. We want to grow more, and we can do it, working all together, as a single team, increasing the number of patients, expanding our network, looking after relationships in our territories and activating partnership projects with institutions.


What is your vision for the future?

My vision is incredibly positive: if we reach the objectives of 2021 budget, which are completely realistic, we will be able to start looking around to identify opportunities for expanding the business by acquiring new clinics or starting other partnerships with the public sector.


What is your perspective on how Diaverum is managing COVID-19 pandemic?

The teams at Diaverum clinics around the world have been fantastic! They faced the risks of the pandemic with courage and extreme professionalism, applying new safety procedures with rigor and precision. They had to safeguard the health and care of patients and colleagues themselves. Specifically for Italy, I am immensely proud of our people. The second wave of the pandemic was much more impactful than the first. Every day we have faced cases of positivity among patients and colleagues, despite everything we have never stopped! Indeed, the Catania Dial clinic, to meet the needs of the national health service, has been converted into a Covid clinic and now welcomes asymptomatic positive patients, with the great commitment of our staff who have accepted to work for a noble cause.


Would you like to tell us something about your private life?


I am married since 2000 and have two children aged 20 and 18 respectively, Francesco and Carolina, who are now studying at the university. I have a beautiful dog, Smoky, a 5-year-old border collie, genuinely nice and great company. I have always lived in Rome, apart from two years in Paris where we moved with the whole family for work reasons. A beautiful experience. I like the mountains, skiing, and walking. I am part of a group with which we organize trekking almost every weekend and of course Smoky is always with me in these activities. I am passionate about cooking, preparing good things relaxes me a lot. I like to experiment new recipes and test them with my kids, they are critical enough, sometimes too much! The upcoming Christmas holidays will be an opportunity to dedicate myself to family and cooking! By the way, Happy Holidays to all of you.

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Senior Executives' Visit to Diaverum Headquarter in Rome


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Diaverum Marsala Clinic