Dr. Zizzo you are part of the Diaverum Italy Management team since 2019; can you tell us a little about your professional past?

I am a doctor with a specialization and a PhD in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases. As a researcher, I entered the world of the pharmaceutical industry where I held numerous positions, contaminating my medical background with business issues. I would never have imagined it during my university studies, but in addition to Medical Director, I had an exciting experience as Marketing Director in a large multinational company driving one of the most famous drugs in the world.

Could you go into a little more details about what activities you are involved in?

I am the point of reference for my colleagues Medical Directors of our clinics and I take care of Institutional relationships with Public and Private Autorities and Opinion Leaders. I work closely with colleagues from Operations to ensure a high level of assistance and to grow our centres.

What is your idea of Diaverum since you arrived? Is there anything that struck you in particular?

The thing that struck me a lot, from the very first days, is that all colleagues, both doctors and nurses, have a real dedication to our patients, this passion for patients allows us to truly consider them at the center of our activities and the object of the best care possible. Equal care is taken in looking after our clinics, considered by our colleagues as a real second home.

What is your vision for the future?

From my point of view we must continue to provide an increasingly high quality service to our patients and to this end there are many interesting projects that are being developed at the Corporate level.

We are also enhancing a whole range of services that we offer free of charge in our clinics, starting from the nephrological department for the prevention of complications of Chronic Kidney Failure to consultancy in the cardiology, diabetes, nutritional and psychological fields.

We must also make an effort all together to communicate our quality, our way of working and taking care of the health of our patients externally.

Would you like to tell us something about your private life?

Despite my not young age I have small children of 9 and 7 years old, I can say that they have given me a real and new meaning in life and I dedicate my free time to them and to the family. I believe in human relationships and friendship. I like good wine, good music and reading.

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