1. Mr. Mongelli, you joined Diaverum Italy in June 2020; can you tell us a little about your professional past? And maybe a success story that you are particularly proud of?

My professional career, developed in the commercial field at 360 degrees, has always been under the banner of challenges and has led me to work in various sectors, companies, and countries.

This has enriched me a lot from a personal point of view.

I started in the world of telecommunications and then moved on to mass consumption at Procter & Gamble in Geneva. Later I joined Pfizer, where I spent many wonderful years dealing initially with the famous Viagra and later with a product from the neurological area.

I then moved to Paris for a new adventure, the one in the world of Animal Health always at Pfizer, responsible for the European Companion Animal business.

Subsequently and always in the same context, as Director of the Companion Animal Business Unit I returned to Italy, I lived the most significant experience of my professional life: the listing of the veterinary business as an independent company from Pfizer, the so ' said and better known “spin off”, with the consequent birth of Zoetis. A period of great work, but a lot of fun. I learned a lot and together with the whole Italian team, we made the business grow by 70%, making it the most important business of Zoetis. I would say that I can only be immensely proud of such a success!


2. Could you go into a bit more detail about what activities you and your team do?

Our activities as a team are many and vary a lot dealing with the 360-degree management of "our" clinics, for the sake of brevity I will mention just a few.

We are responsible for the clinics to have the highest quality standards, always trying to improve them, sometimes even finding alternative solutions and places.

We take care that all the structures are properly staffed with professionals, employees, and suppliers of the highest profile.

We are obviously responsible for the economic performance of the clinics, we strongly support our Medical Directors to improve relationships with the Reference Centres in order to increase the numbers of patients, and to collaborate with the staff of the clinic, in particular the head nurse, for a correct use of all available resources (human, financial ...)


3. What do you think of the progress of the vaccination campaign against Covid-19? What about the Diaverum awareness campaign?

The first thing that comes to my mind is that science is providing us in a noticeably short time with a fundamental weapon to be able to return as soon as possible to a "normal" life in which we can hug each other again, celebrate together and shake off all the anxieties and fears of this last year.

Personally, I had Covid 19 in a mild form, but it still forced me to stay isolated at home for more than a month. As soon as possible, when it is my turn, I will vaccinate myself to protect all the people I care about, starting with my family.

In general, I believe that vaccination even more in this situation, is an act of responsibility and care not only towards oneself, but above all towards others. In this I firmly believe that what Diaverum is doing to inform patients and healthcare professionals in a correct and detailed way is the right thing to do.


4. What is your vision for the near future, like between now and the end of 2022?

From the first days in Diaverum, in my visits to the clinics, I was able to see the great professionalism and passion of our people, and this for me is a fantastic basis for the future in the short and long term.

I believe that on one hand we must continue to take care of our patients, both in terms of dialysis treatment and in terms of patient care at 360 degrees, with the very high levels we have today.

On the other hand, we will have to improve our collaboration with public structures and with all stakeholders to ensure greater visibility of our clinics and to become an even more reliable and recognized partner.


5. Would you like to tell us something about your private life?

Well what to say ... I am roman by birth and growth, but with a mixed Umbrian-Apulian blood. I have been married to Maria Teresa for about 2 years. Let us say that I have several passions that I have cultivated over time, among them I like to mention three.

The first is that of traveling: I really love the discover new cultures, customs, approaches to life. It is never easy to fully grasp the peculiarities of worlds more or less distant from ours, especially during "short" pleasure trips, but I must say that every time I come back enriched by the things I learn even just by chatting with locals and spending time at the their "places" as much as possible. Among the most beautiful trips in this sense, there are certainly Japan and Peru.

Then ... I am a very sporty person, at least I try, and among others I love to play tennis.

The third and last passion, only in a chronological sense, is that of wine, so much that a couple of years ago I attended a sommelier course for about 1 year and a half ... what can I say, I was impressed by what is behind a bottle of wine : passion, determination, competence and a lot of hard work.


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Diaverum Marsala Clinic