In the fourth quarter of 2020, the Clinic Award Corporate awarded the Diaverum clinic in Fondi, Lazio.

Essential to win was the high patient satisfaction, the good medical results, and the strong leadership during the difficult months of lockdown.

Maria Chiara Durio, Country Manager Italy said: "I am incredibly proud and happy for this recognition granted to the clinic in Fondi. This is an especially important result for us”.

The award, which is awarded quarterly to a Diaverum clinic following a nomination and voting process, comes despite the many challenges the clinic has faced. The province of Fondi was in fact in the red zone during the first phase of the pandemic, a new Medical Director was appointed and there were vacancies of staff to fill. Despite these obstacles, the clinic team diligently implemented the COVID-19 contingency plan and worked to allay the anxiety of colleagues and patients.

With strong and focused leadership, a positive team spirit was created within the clinic, and the staff successfully addressed some long-term problems together, additionally developing organizational skills and clarifying staff roles. Taken together, these actions set a solid foundation for further future clinic successes, based on excellent patient experience and care.

Patients are incredibly grateful for the quality of care received and are strongly grateful to the healthcare staff and medical director.

As stated by Andrea Mongelli, Operation Director Italy: "Overall, we have observed a significant improvement in the internal atmosphere".

Under the guidance of our new Medical Director, Dr. Russo, the focus on quality and patient experience has increased significantly. In addition, thanks to a proactive collaboration by stakeholders in the management of the clinic and the implementation of the action plan to welcome new patients, the clinic has experienced an increase in the influx of patients which has also led to an improvement in the financial results. The results of the patient satisfaction survey showed a very positive score of 99.22%, while the annual audit, carried out by the nursing team to evaluate processes and policy compliance, showed a score of 92.8%.

Dr. Zizzo, Head of Medical Operation Italy, said: "Week after week, we have seen the number of patients grow, thanks to their excellent experience in the clinic, the word of mouth and the network built in the territory by Dr. Russo".

 After the recent successes, the Fondi clinic is undergoing renovation, an action that aims to make it more functional and more welcoming for our patients. All Fondi staff collaborated with passion on the project, taking care of patients responsibly to minimize discomfort, thus following the values ​​of Diaverum: passion, competence, and inspiration.

 “This award will also strengthen the motivation of the clinic and will be a real recognition for all staff, committed to provide the best patient care and improving Diaverum's reputation in the region” continued Chiara Durio.

Boris Zjacic, Chief Operating Officer of Diaverum said: "I am particularly happy to award an Italian clinic this time. Italy is not only going through a time of change but has also been hit hard by COVID-19 and to see such excellent medical results and at the same time working in a stimulating atmosphere is a great result for the clinic.

My wish is to continue to do a good job and consider this award a recognition and motivation for further improvement and to excel in care. "

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